Products We Sell

Fresh Flower Arrangements & Bouquets
Roadside stand prices- $3-5 bunches & $10-20 bouquets Send a message to inquire about wedding and event design
We’re proud to offer our neighbors fresh, responsibly grown flowers. All flowers are seasonal with our short growing window, so make sure to pay close attention to what is blooming on our Instagram page!!
Fresh Chicken Eggs
$5.00 per dozen smaller cartons available.
Message me to pick up in your own basket for a lower price!
The chickens here at Ethel’s roam our yard daily. I should say weather permitting, some of the girls don’t like the wet stuff falling from the sky. If they aren’t outside, they eat an organic feed and get fresh water daily. Their space will never be overcrowded and will have a fresh coop. Eggs are a mess of colors to get that beautiful rainbow egg basket.*chickens are bought from local farms and raised here

Maple Syrup
Message me and I’ll leave a jar out for you!!
For more information about our products or to make an order, contact us.